There are several components that make up an accurate and comprehensive persona. You may see other resources that give you some alternative categories to explore, and those are great. You may choose to add more to your personas down the road. For now, we are going to stick to the most impactful elements that make up every buyer person we’ve ever developed at Web Canopy Studio. We have found that focusing on these 6 primary categories for your personas will give you everything you need to know in order to create amazing content that converts leads time and time again.

Buyer personas, according to HubSpot, are a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers.

This is a fantastic definition, because it states exactly what kind of person this is you are trying to market to - semi-fictional. Note that we don’t say “made up” and we don’t say “actual person.” We want to create a persona who is based on your most ideal kind of customers. These are the customers you would replicate a hundred times over if you could, because they are the exact kind of people you want to work with. 

You may hear these described as “customer avatars” from some other groups. This is totally fine, and they essentially are the same thing. For our example, however, we are going to refer to them as buyer personas.

Check out this awesome episode for the full details on how to built these great personas!