So you’ve lost the weight. Now what?


If you’ve ever been on the hamster wheel of dieting or the yo-yo’ing of losing and gaining weight, you know there’s more to keeping the weight off than some people think. It’s important to develop a maintenance mindset when it comes to actually maintaining your weight loss. So how can we shift out of the weight loss mentality and into the maintenance mentality?


Tune in with Eva to find out and learn what you can do to maintain your weight loss today!



- How to find your maintenance weight range 

- How to recalibrate your weight goals

- Why it's important to love your body all the way down the scale

- Why you need to reject the all-or-nothing mentality 

- Trust and believe that you can do it!



“Imagine that your stomach is like the VIP section in a club. You don't just let any riffraff in the club in the VIP section, right? Your stomach is VIP, so you want to treat it as such. So that means don't eat some bullshit from the snack machine.”

“Losing weight is not always easy, but it's doable. It doesn't take overhauling your entire life. It's a series of small decisions.”



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