If you have tuned in to Eva before, you’ve no doubt heard her say diets don’t work! Restrictions, deprivation, and willpower may give temporary results but do not work in the long haul. So how can we make better food choices to lose those pounds permanently?


Tune in as Eva wants you to empower yourself and create your own food protocols! Stop focusing on what you can’t have and start thinking about how foods make you feel. Remember, food is neutral, not good or bad. So throw out the old binary approach and listen in as Eva guides you to the “good, better, best” method of enjoying your food and reaching your weight loss goals!



- Mindfulness and being intentional are the keys to weight loss 

- Why you need to stop seeing foods as “bad” or “unhealthy”

- What is the “Good, Better, Best” (G-B-B) method

- Break the shame cycle!

- The importance of planning your meals 



“Instead of focusing on the foods that you can't have. Let's focus on the foods that you can have. Focusing on the things that you can't have is what leads to feelings of deprivation. And that's not going to sustain you for long.”

“The way that I teach weight loss is centered around mindfulness and being intentional. Because those two things put all the power right back in your hands. And in turn, it teaches you how to trust yourself, how to honor yourself, and how to love yourself.”



Ready to lose weight? Apply for Eva's 1:1 Coaching: https://eva.fit/privatecoaching/

Free Weight Loss Resources: https://eva.fit/freeresources

Subscribe to Eva's new Youtube Channel: youtube.com/@itsevarodriguez


Follow Eva on Instagram @itsevarodriguez - instagram.com/itsevarodriguez


Visit Eva's website at eva.fit





Uncomplicating Weight Loss is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)