If you have listened to Eva before, you know that mindset is the true key to weight loss, the ultimate goal being to reduce desire rather than just pounds. But when we cut back on food to lose weight without addressing the underlying impulse for that food, we actually increase our desire. So how can we heal the cause of the struggle and not just the symptoms?


Tune in as your weight loss coach wants you to get intentional, talk to yourself, and catch your brain when it starts to offer thought errors, those things we have been conditioned to believe are true. Start choosing your thoughts intentionally with Uncomplicating Weight Loss and become the best version of yourself today!



- What is a thought error?

- Do you feel out of control around food?

- Resist it, avoid it, or allow it?

- Why you can’t be afraid to feel  

- Food is neutral! 

- Rewire your desires and choose your thoughts on purpose



“When we learn how to confidently process our emotions, we stop needing to escape our emotions with food.”

“Food is not supposed to make you feel happy. It's not supposed to make you feel comfort. It's not supposed to entertain you. It's fuel. Period.”



Ready to lose weight? Apply for Eva's 1:1 Coaching: https://eva.fit/privatecoaching/

Free Weight Loss Resources: https://eva.fit/freeresources

Subscribe to Eva's new Youtube Channel: youtube.com/@itsevarodriguez


Follow Eva on Instagram @itsevarodriguez - instagram.com/itsevarodriguez


Visit Eva's website at eva.fit




Uncomplicating Weight Loss is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)