In Part 3 of the “How to Lose 30 Pounds While Eating Foods That You Love" series, your host Eva Rodriguez tackles the frustrating cycle of yo-yo dieting and shares the exact fat-burning food formula you should follow if you want to lose 30 pounds in the next 3 months.







Why Does Yo-Yo Dieting Happen? Understand why you may be gaining and losing the same weight repeatedly.

What Are the Health Impacts of Yo-Yo Dieting? Learn about the emotional, metabolic, cardiovascular, and muscular effects of yo-yo dieting.

What Are Common Triggers for Yo-Yo Dieting? Identify common triggers like stress, emotional eating, unrealistic goals, and maladaptive motivation.



How Can You Break the Cycle of Yo-Yo Dieting? Practical tips to break free from yo-yo dieting and maintain a healthy, balanced approach to weight loss.






"This yo-yo cycle of gaining and losing weight also affects your mental health. The feelings of frustration and hopelessness when you start to regain, the effect it has on your self esteem, the thoughts that you’re a failure at losing weight, and the disordered relationship you develop with food can only make things worse in the long run." 
- Eva Rodriguez











 🗓️ READY TO LOSE WEIGHT?  Book a call with Eva here to lose 30 pounds in the next 3 months.  ➡️ 



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