At age 33, Antonio Pondichi had gone from growing up poor in communist Romania, to move a comfortably luxurious life in New York City as an adult where everything he ever needed was planned for him. One day, as his daughter reached age 5, he began to realize that many of the things he had been taught about how to live and raise her weren’t true. He moved his family and his life to the valley of Vilcabamba, Ecuador to explore unconventional ways of living that would allow all of them to find their happiness.

Many parents don’t realize that they are giving away the majority of their children’s upbringing to strangers who run the arbitrary schooling institutions of their culture. Schooling trains people in what to think, whereas a true education teaches people how thinking works. We can either acquire knowledge through inheritance from other sources or observing and reasoning it ourselves.

The social environment of schooling is frequently destructive to self-esteem and normal bonding habits. Segregating children into groups based on age is arbitrarily limiting to their understanding of their place in the world. Forcing children to learn kills their desire to learn. They can no longer effectively follow their intuition about what interests them. Parents and teachers are often threatened by a child’s natural learning capacity. They unconsciously feel compelled to control it.

If you see that the values of your culture are no longer serving you, you are obligated to question them. There is a natural separation now between upcoming generations and their parents who are stuck in old paradigms of growth. What was once considered the role of being parent is no longer true, and will continue to change into the future.

Do you feel equipped to give your children everything they need to discover who they are and pursue their own highest education?

Are you passing your inherited limitations onto the young people in your life?


Antonio’s family on Youtube:

Trivium education:

Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto: