Purpose, purpose, purpose.

We hear how important it is to know why we’re here on Earth and what we’re “supposed” to be doing! For men this is doubly important.

But yet for so many people, discovering and/or claiming their purpose is an exercise in frustration and exhaustion.

In this UNcivilized UNplugged episode with Dr. Jeremy Goldberg and Leila Dylla we dive into our best practices for both helping our clients discovering their purposes and how we unlocked our own.

Dive in and enjoy!


Leila inspires the heart of change worldwide through her writing, speaking, and passionate teaching. As a leader in the modern-day spiritual and wellness world, she has been teaching Yoga Asana for over a decade. She is deeply inspired by the path of Bhakti Yoga, energy medicine, transcendental psychology & breathwork.


Website: www.leiladylla.com

Instagram: @leiladylla


He is a mentor, writer, speaker, spoken word poet, and behavioral scientist.

His mission is to make kindness cool, empathy popular, and compassion commonplace. As part of that purpose, he writes articles, sends emails, hosts retreats, and workshops, gives TEDx talks, coaches clients, hosts a podcast, writes books, and makes spoken word poetry videos. He is also active on Facebook and Instagram, leading an online tribe of more than 35,000 badass humans.


Website: Dr. Jeremy Goldberg

Instagram: @Longdistancelovebombs

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/LongDistanceLoveBombs/


[2:23] Meeting Dr. Jeremy Goldberg.

[9:32] Meeting Leila Dylla.

[19:00] Meeting Traver.

[25:20] What's the purpose and how to find it?

[30:43] Fantasizing about the purpose.

[31:46] The beauty of the letters behind your name.

43:50] Was your purpose based on intuition or trauma?

[52:53] Does my purpose have to be monetized?

[59:02] What is the gift that we share with others?

If you look at the civilized world and think, "no thank you," then you should subscribe to our podcast, so you don't miss a single episode! Also, join the UNcivilized community, and connect with me on my website Man UNcivilized.com or Instagram so you can join in on our live recordings, ask questions to guests, and more.

Find Traver on Instagram @traverBoehm    
Get a copy my book, Man UNcivilized