The drug addiction fight is tough but not impossible to win. These addictions can cause mental health problems that eventually affect the individual, leaving them almost at a point of no return. Being necessary therapy, willpower, and a lot of support either from family, friends, or people close to the affected person.

As our guest, we will have Alison Kerwin. Alison's brother committed suicide after struggling for years with drug addiction, being heroin the most consistent.

In today's episode, we will touch on a sensitive and important conversation for people who have lost loved ones because of addictions and people who are dealing with addictions at this moment. We will talk about the first signs of depression and addiction, the effect that suicide has on families, and how Alison decided to write a book to share her and her brother's message.

Addiction and mental health illness are big issues in our society. Every year in the United States the suicide rate increases.

Let's become aware of these problems, whether you are suffering from them or someone you know. Help yourself and help others.


Alison Kerwin is a UK-based Marketing Director and author of The Counsellor: A powerful true story about addiction, grief and loss.

Following the sudden loss of her brother to drug addiction in late 2019, she began writing as a form of therapy but quickly realised the power of sharing their story.


Twitter: @alisonkerwin

Facebook: /thecounsellorbook

Instagram: @alisonkerwin




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[1:55] Getting to know Alison.

[6:40] The earliest signs of depression.

[8:53] Keeping things up is not healthy.

[11:16] Alison shares how the divorce affected her brother's mental health.

[21:00] Join the UNcivilized Nation.

[21:45] The help call.

[25:50] Showing her brother how much she loved him: Alison talks about the idea of writing the book.

[32:22] The supporting cast.

[35:50] Don't give up on them.

[36:51] Taking care of your mental health.

[41:05] Alison talks about her book.

[46:58] Where to find Alison and get her book.

If you look at the civilized world and think, “no thank you,” then you should subscribe to our podcast so you don’t miss a single episode! Also, join the uncivilized community, and connect with me on my website, Facebook, or Instagram so you can join in on our live recordings, ask questions to guests, and more.