One day Guelmo Rosa realized that being an English teacher was not his calling. So he quit, went to art school and then decided to try his hand at being an artist in New York. Born in Puerto Rico, with pit stops in The Bronx, back to Puerto Rico and eventually landing in New York, Guelmo Rosa is a mixed media artist with a passion for design and collaboration. Now only a few years into his journey, Guelmo is well on his way to building a uniquely queer based art brand.

As a proud queer Puerto Rican, Guelmo is on a mission to show how strong Puerto Ricans are and how badass queer artists can be. Make sure to visit his website (check out his dick earrings) and support a fellow Visionary by purchasing / sharing his artwork and listening to his episode of Uncensored Visionary.

Follow Guelmo on Instagram and visit his art store / official website.