Jaimie Kelton was having fertility issues so she turned to the internet for support, but to her surprise, she didn't find any. Instead of curling into a ball, Jaimie decided to create her own platform where lesbians could speak about making babies and the subsequent difficulties of maintaining non-traditional families. When she was introduced to Robin Hopkins, she knew that Robin was the one to help her establish and create a community of lesbians with non-traditional families. And thus If These Ovaries Could Talk was born (well after hundreds of spreadsheets, meetings, contacts, etc.).The intention behind If These Ovaries Could Talk is to always learn and highlight and show the love that's in our community. They have not only achieved that goal, but surpassed it on their funny yet poignant podcast show. Take a peek into the journeys of Jaimie and Robin and their podcast If These Ovaries Could Talk.

Follow If These Ovaries Could Talk on Instagram and listen to their podcast here.