Corey Camperchioli, Jon Ali and Guelmo. What do those people have in common? Well, two of them have been on Uncensored Visionary. But they've all have had their photo taken by the prolific Matthew Dean Stewart. Whenever one scrolls through a gay Instagram timeline, there is a high probability that you'll see multiple head shots by Matthew.Born in Los Angeles, Matthew has always had the creative itch. In a past life, he was a musical theater performer. He soon discovered that the itch would be better suited in the form of photography. After committing to photography, somewhat full-time, Matthew has become a superstar within the realm of queer photography. Through collaboration (and just being hilarious), he has been able to build a social network of queer artists in the hopes of uplifting queer based brands and artists. Listen to this uplifting LGBTQ badass on this week's episode of Uncensored Visionary.

Follow Matthew on Instagram and visit his official website.