Episode 4: How to Build a Thriving Practice Using Internet Leads and Unbundled Legal Services

In this episode we interview provider attorney Michael Greenstein.

Michael walks us through the process he has developed using internet leads to help build his practice. He also reveals the secrets to the success he has had with unbundled legal services over many years including specifics on how to deliver these options to clients.

You’ll Learn:

The step by step process for calling leads and converting them into paying clients
The importance of getting positive reviews from your clients, and how to leverage them
How offering unbundled legal services helps convert more clients, and attract more referrals
How having more clients paying for less hours helps to reduce risk and increase your cash flow
An easy way to explain the value of unbundled legal services to your clients
Examples of unbundled legal service options, and typical price points for each
How to ethically limit the scope of your involvement in a case, and set proper expectations for your clients
Building reliable systems that support a growing practice with new staff members and associates
And much more

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For more information about Unbundled Attorney and how our Lead Generation services can help grow your practice, visit: https://www.unbundledattorney.com?t=podcast