All of us go through dark periods of loss and grief. Grief strikes us all differently, and we all cope in our own way. Sometimes your heart aches, and you feel like you can barely breathe. Or, sometimes you don’t truly process it until years later. Nashville singer/songwriter Shannon Labrie opens up about the painful losses in her life and the tough decisions she made that eventually helped her beat grief.

You’ll hear:

about her peaceful, musical childhood growing up on a farm, until tragedy struck

how grief is a process and how it has come up throughout her life

what caused her to finally ask for help

her advice for anyone going through grief right now

the story behind her new hit single “Raining Hallelujah”

about her work on The Building Project to revive local businesses after devastation

Plus, you’ll hear Jeff’s top 5 favorite things about farmers and farm communities!

Books mentioned in this episode:

A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis

A Sacred Sorrow by Michael Card

Night by Elie Weisel

Connect with Shannon at

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