If you haven’t struggled with an eating disorder yourself, chances are, someone close to you has or is struggling right now. It can be hard to understand and even harder to know what to do about it. Kara is a registered nurse and holistic eating disorder recovery coach who, after trying and giving up several times, finally found the life-changing freedom from the addiction of her own eating disorder she had desperately wanted for over a decade. She’s even written a new book about it called Freed & Fierce!

In this episode, she walks us through:

her childhood and why she developed a high-achievement mentality

how her eating disorder developed and what can trigger it in people

the thoughts and feelings that plague someone with an eating disorder

what made her seek help (and what didn’t work)

how she finally won the battle with bulimia and body image issues

and her advice to those struggling with a similar addiction

Plus, on a lighter note, Jeff gives 5 personal stories about extreme food deprivation while he was in the Army.

Learn more about Kara or connect with her HERE

Purchase her book, Freed & Fierce: The 7 Untapped Essentials for Life-Long Eating Disorder Recovery on Amazon HERE.

**Also, Jeff mentioned in the episode that we’re giving away a FREE e-copy of Kara’s book this week. But, you have to be on our email list to win! Subscribe HERE for a chance to win it!

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