Previous Episode: Mental Health In College

In this episode we chat with Shana, the creator of Perfectly Flawed, a mental health blog. Shana is a social work graduate student that has struggled with anxiety and depression throughout her life. She shares her story of growing up with these mental health struggles, as well as when she considered taking her life. Through her blog she aims to not only inspire others with a sense of comfort and belonging, but also give practical coping skills to deal with your own struggles.

Shana's blog:
Shana's Instagram: @perfectlyflawed_blog

*Trigger Warning*
If this episode in anyway made you feel like self harming, or you need help in general, please contact one of the numbers provided below.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA): 1-800-826-3632
SAMHSA Treatment Locator: 800-662-4357