What world do you live in?

We can live in the world of being victims and pointing fingers around us saying life is happening TO us. 

Or we can choose to live in the world of possibilities and say that life is happening FOR us. 

When I found out in July that our desired baby wasn’t growing anymore and I was going through a slow natural miscarriage (natural just means I opted not to have D&C done by dr or take a pill that would help with miscarriage and trusted my body instead). 

On July 22nd 2022 I experienced what I can really compare only to a birth. 
Hours of pain and contractions with my husband holding my hand, bringing essential oils and midwife Maraya Brown who back then was just an acquaintance not even our hired midwife on the phone with me. 

That experience was deeply painful yet made our marriage stronger and also brought me strength and faith I didn’t even know I had in me. 

By sharing my miscarriage experience and message I have connected on an even deeper level with women who were moms of angel babies too or just women who were inspired by my vulnerability and desire to empower women from places of pain yet hope.

I could never imagine that it wouldn’t be over then. We did a beautiful ceremony for our baby with a box filled with crystals, letters from me and my husband, flowers etc. We buried our baby but not our hopes. 

Yet my spotting wasn’t stopping. My cramps did but not the spotting. And as we were in California at a family cabin we were just waiting a couple of weeks to go see an OBGYN in Las Vegas. 

I trusted that nature and faith and my body are doing what has to be done. 

So when we visited a Dr in Las Vegas who said I needed surgery the next day my body froze. My heart stopped for a moment yet we looked at each other with my husband and chose to trust my body. We chose to trust my intuition who was telling me it is all happening in divine timing. 

I then started bleeding the next day in what I thought was my first period and thought this will clear it all out. 
Yet after three weeks, I started to bleed again which in my mind I thought it was my second period. Yet when I was at the airport traveling from mastermind Amberly Lago back to Tulum I got such a strong pain and cramps that I couldn’t walk. 

I thought my body just needed a rest but the pain and the way I felt too closely reminded me of my miscarriage in July. 
And the next day on 09.12.22 which would be a name day celebrated in Czechia of my grandma I released another sack with a baby. 

My midwife in Tulum sent me to Dr who took me right away the same day as she felt the urgency. 

The good news is that my uterus is now healing and clean. The heartbreaking news I got was that we were pregnant with twins and I just released the second baby. 

I will never know what really happened. My heart is shattered and heavy. Like reliving it all over again. 

YET what my miscarriage thought me was:
Trusting my body 
Trusting my intuition 
Advocate for myself 
Work only with people and professionals I feel safe with and feel like it’s heaven YES 
How loved and supported I am 
Cherish my work and my clients even more and see that even in a healing state I can make an impact and multiple five-figure months 

Life is happening FOR us, my love. We get to keep our faith and know that we are guided to what’s in our highest good and the good of all. 

So if your heart is heavy right now, please remember, you are not alone, and this too shall pass.