Does it sometimes feel discouraging to look at other people's lives?

Like some days you are so happy for others to live their dreams and some days it feels like a punch in the face?

Like a reminder that life isn’t at this moment as you planned it?

Maybe it’s your job, maybe it’s your relationship, health, business, or just sense of purpose, why the heck you are really here is missing? 


Those days when you are feeling like everything is crumbling remind yourself of your bigger vision of life. 


We get to all have a bigger vision, and I don’t mean you have to have a 5-year plan and day by day under control. 


The bigger vision is a sense of fulfillment and how you desire to feel waking up in your life. 


Who are you surrounded by, what place are you in, how are you treated and how are you treating others?


Having that vision and feeling in your heart will support you in going on days when you are feeling like giving up. 


When you look around yourself and you can logically see that your life is good, but you can also tell that something is missing. 


Go back to that main vision of your life, how would your dream day unfold? How do you want to feel at the end of this dream day?


And what would help you create this feeling in your life right now?


This past year was challenging for me. My both grandparents transitioned, we had to unexpectedly move from our home of 7 years, I went through one miscarriage twice (as we didn’t know we had twins and I lost our babies physically a month and half apart). 


I could give up, give in, just say screw it I am tired. 


Yet my vision of empowering, inspiring and guiding other women into freedom, abundance and self-expression kept me going. 


What keeps you going on days that you feel like quitting?