On this episode, we talked about:

Being yourself sometimes is the hardest thing
Coming back to our body
Remembering who you are
Being aware of my own design
Start changing your subconscious
Your body is the guide
Feeling disconnected from your womb
How to regulate your nervous system
Working with inner parts of ourselves
Sitting into our power as women
Creating a reconnection with your body
Difference between fear and intuition
Don't be afraid of making decisions for your body

"The heart just wants you to be whatever you want to be"


"I have to remind myself to come back into my center and to realize when I'm taking strategies that don't serve me"


"You were not designed to be isolated in yourself, your nervous system is just dysregulated"


About Sofia:

Human Design Mentor, Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Somatic Practitioner

Sofia, a 2/4 Reflector, is a Human Design mentor, Energy Bodywork practitioner, certified Hatha and Kundalini Yoga teacher, and an intuitive soul by nature.
She is passionate about teaching people how to raise their frequency, become more compassionate and feel more connected with their inner essence. She believes in the power of aligning our emotions with our thoughts to magnetize our most authentic selves. 
She calls Human Design the “Soul’s Map”. It is a foundation that guides us to release anything we thought we are from social conditioning. And shows us our most unique gifts and purpose to operate and navigate our Lives. She uses it to help guide people to embody their unique blueprint with breathwork, meditation, mantras and kriyas. 



IG: @humandesignbysofia


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