And what else can I learn?

I wonder almost daily. See, through my human design and personality I am here to investigate, learn, study…and I have been doing it since I was a little girl. 


Hiding myself with books and reading was a safe space for me growing up. 


So, even as a little girl I was reading about spirituality, life after life, Shakespeare, and other powerful books that my grandma used to have on her bookshelves. 


And just a couple of weeks ago I learned something new that I didn’t plan for or even read in books. 


I channeled a message from Source. 


When I was journaling in the morning about my very vivid dream about my grandma after a page of me writing something shifted. 


It felt like my mind was empty, wide open, and my hand took a life on its own. I was writing very quickly and even my handwriting style changed. 

It took just a few minutes but I ended up with a channeled message on a page. 


How do I know it was channeled? Are asking my fellow skeptics lol...


Because it felt like me being the observer, not the “doer”, those thoughts and ideas are not mines, I didn’t think them, they flow through me…


There was one page of messages that when I read to my husband they didn’t feel like mine. It was like reading a book and thinking to yourself: That’s a great idea, that sound really interesting. But you didn’t think that ever before. 


The highlight that I would love to share with you is this piece of message:

All is well. Trust and Relax.
Pressure won’t help, you are not a diamond.

You are light and light doesn’t need pressure to thrive. 


The message was much longer before and after, yet this really really stood out for me.

We are attempting to pressure ourselves, do things to find who we are, what’s our purpose, vs trusting, relaxing and enjoying this physical body while we have it. 


If I can channel so can you.
I deeply believe that our beautiful bodies, those vessels for wisdom and divine connections get to be treated as temples. 


I am not perfect, and am not pretending to be, yet what helped me to feel with my body that it is a sacred vessel is:


Stop smoking 

Stop drinking coffee

Stop drinking alcohol

Becoming vegan

Minimizing processed foods

Not doing fats in the morning 

Drinking 32 oz of fresh celery juice in the morning 

Making heavy metal detox smoothie each breakfast (based on @medicalmedium) 


All these things helped me to have a clearer vessel and to be more connected. 


Then you just get to set an intention (and as you can see sometimes even without intention when the environment is right, messages come) and create space for it. 


You can just free write, sit down with your journal and let everything and anything that comes come through you and let your hand write. 


Your soul wants to be expressed and sometimes we miss the signs around us as we are living busy daily lives. 

When we journal, free write, we create a sacred, safe space for messages to come. 


If the Source would have a message for you right now, what do you feel it would say to you?


PS. ​Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I LOVE hugs! It would mean a world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this showThank you so much for your love and support!!Link to review is below: