On this episode, we talked about:

Birth babies without complications
You have to give your body space
Wanted to mother a really powerful soul
Knowing what motherhood will be for me
Releasing fear it's important for birthing
Trusting our intuition as mothers
We're energetic beings and trauma is stored in our body
You decide to give away your power
Trusting your body a little bit more
We are created perfectly and divine


"We would never seek for external assistance if we felt so completely confident in our ability to birth"


"Everything I did 4 years ago was healing trauma, and I didn't know that I was preparing to be a mother"


"If you can truly forgive, you will not hold anything dark in your heart"



About Mama Chel:

I'm thrilled to join you as a podcast guest, sharing my journey and insights as a passionate advocate for sovereign birthing. Having experienced the transformative power of an undisturbed and unmedicated birth, surrounded only by my partner on our Costa Rican farm, I am dedicated to empowering and educating women on the importance of conscious preparation and conception. Through my experiences and deep understanding, I strive to shed light on the beauty and potential of sovereign birthing. Additionally, I've authored the book 'Unweaving the Web of Trauma,' which offers valuable perspectives on how I aligned to this timeline of conscious birthing & conscious motherhood.


Website / Social Media Handles: Themamachel Tiktok & IG


PS. Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I  LOVE hugs! It would mean the world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗

Thank you so much for your love and support!!

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