Motherhood...the ultimate teacher of surrender!


I used to think that I like going with the flow, yet let me tell you, motherhood brought a new level of that..


Planning my calls, podcast interviews, abundance activation calls, and eating, showering, working out?

Whole new adventure with baby lol


Nothing is as planned and especially as this little 4  months bundle of joy isn’t joyful.

When she is teething and nothing makes her happy and I still get to show up for myself, my husband and biz.


These are some of the things that really helped me....


1. Asking for help – I am pretty awesome but not superwoman to do it all alone. I asked my husband, flew my mom here, ask my friends...

2. Making sure each and every day I have space just for me.
Whether it’s when she is asleep or asking my hubby to watch her or have her overnight. I make myself warm tea, bath or shower and am fully present to me.

3. Having the right support.
I am so thankful for my team who helps me tremendously.
I am thankful for my midwife and doula that I can text anytime with questions.
I am so thankful for my best friend who is always available to hear me, advice me and comfort me when needed as she is herself mama of two boys.

4. Embracing the uncertainty and knowing it’s all passing so really being present to it all. Asking myself...what is this teaching me?
I have became even more unapologetic with my time and who do I desire to work with as my energy bandwidth isn’t limitless.


What are some of  your tips for me as a new moma?
What helps / helped you the most with your little one when teething and growing?