The one thing that could make or break our relationship is a tool we are still using even after 5 years of loving relationship. 


See, at the beginning of our relationship, we realized with Christopher that what we pay attention pays off. 


You can’t just attract your dream partner and then that’s it. 


Relationships require work, that’s how they can work. 

Yet it doesn’t have to be hard work (you know I am all about ease and simplicity). 


We designed a weekly relationship review with a few questions that helped us to go deeper, to feel seen, heard, and understood. 


Even if it felt uncomfortable, it helped us to shed a light on little things that could grow with time into big things that could make our relationship hard. 


So often we dismiss the “small stuff”. Especially as women, we feel like we are here to nurture and we get to be the nice girl who sucks it up. 


All wrong! 


Share the small stuff, share what could be better, share how you are feeling, share where you desire more support and see how much closer you can get. 


These are the actual questions we ask each other and take notes every week:

What made you feel more connected?


What inspired you to grow this week?


What made you want to pull back?


What is your favorite memory from far away and recent? 


When did you feel the most loved?


How can the other support you more in following through in business/productivity?


On a Scale of 1-10 how would you rate the other person showed up this week? And how can they make it 10? 

Remember, when I teach my clients about abundance, it isn’t only about how to create a legacy with their biz, bring in more money…

Abundance is living your life holistically on all levels with feelings of richness as health, fulfillment, freedom, impact AND relationships. 


Do you have any relationship rituals that help you go deeper into your love? 

Share with me on IG :)