In this episode


- Bringing crystals to meetings

- Having a full heart

- Being yourself AND profitable

- Where to find Trish


“My heart is so full of seeing where I was before and now I evolved into something way bigger”


“ You’re the director of your orchestra, the music of your life”


About Trish:

When I say having a podcast is a life changer I meant it. 


Being a guest on podcasts and having my own show for over 4 years now @unapologeticallyabundant created for me the most amazing connections and clients. 


Trish found me on a different podcast and sent me a DM on IG to share with me that she resonated with me right away after the first listen. 


 After a little chatting on IG we jumped on a call and I was amazed by Trish’s amazing energy and how tapped she was into  manifestation and showing others a different way to see the world and things. 


Yet she was also not confident about owning her gifts. She was working as a real estate professional and was separating her woowoo side from biz. 


Through our work together she was able to confidently tap into her gifts, get clear on who she desires to work with and how and also wear her gifts on her sleeve. 

Realizing that the abundance is made when we own who we are. 


Now she is passionately guiding buyers to manifest their dream homes through the law of attraction and is also teaching other real estate professionals how to attract their soulmate clients. 


Trish shared with me that last year she hit all her life and biz goals and this year was the most successful year she has ever experienced. 


Imagine yourself fully tapped into your gifts, knowing you are making a difference in other peoples’ lives while being abundantly paid to be you. 


What would that feel like? What would that be worth to you? 


PS. Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I  LOVE hugs! It would mean the world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗

Thank you so much for your love and support!!

Link to review is below: