Have you ever been on the downward spiral of comparing yourself with others?

If you are anything like me it happens in your life more often than you would like to admit. 

We could be blaming it on society's pressure on us to do do do and to achieve and perform. 


We could take radical responsibility and acknowledge what we are feeling AND choose something else instead. 

It can be so easy to look around us and especially on social media and to feel we are not doing enough. 

Comparing ourselves with others…

And like the old saying said:
The comparison is the thief of joy. 

What we can do is to acknowledge what we feel and then ask ourselves:

Why is this triggering me?

What is the essence of what I truly see in having what they have?

Can I see this as an inspiration?

Is just the Universe showing me what is possible?

We get to recognize that we are perfectly made for our purpose. 

And that no one and I mean NO ONE is you and that is really why you are here. 

To live this life experiment your way. 

Remember, I love you, I see you, I receive you.