I remember the sleepless nights in bed when I used to rewatch in my mind all that happened that day.

What I did, what I said, what could I say better and really being in such a low vibration that I took it with me to the next day too.

My self worth was so low those days that I would spend most of my energy into thinking who would others want me to be or what to do so I belong, I’m loved, I’m accepted.

Challenge is that how we see and treat ourselves unconsciously teaches other how to see / treat us.


I had to work on my worthiness, I had to embrace unapologetically my uniqueness and ground myself in the never ending changes of life and evolution.


It was so nice for me to realize how much I have grown through this when my assistant sent a reach out connecting message on IG for me to be a podcast guest and the host reacted in very defensive way.


She felt it’s icky if a person reaches out to connect and co create something together for others if not done directly and assistant is used.


It made me smile.


Because I know intention on my heart is pure.

I am so thankful for my team who knows my heart, vision and supports me to reach and impact more people.


You think @tonyrobbins or @manifestationbabe message people themselves?

Or do they have supportive loving team who helps?


How this podcaster sees our message says a lot about how she sees the world and people.


We are each unique on our own unique journey.

And knowing this and knowing my heart brings me sense of peace.

Once you stop taking things so personally you will be able to invest more energy in those who are meant for the next steps of your journey 🫶🏻

So enjoy the ride 😆