On this episode, we talked about:

My life is meant to be magic
Being more open minded and open hearted
Letting myself connect with my feminine essence
Emotional release and emotional healing
Let yourself be guided by love instead of fear
Honoring the seasons
Honoring the up's and flows
Giving myself space to exist
When you embrace yourself, nothing else matters
Living with an open heart
How can I embody love more?
Let love guide us

"When we are living with our truth, when we are laying with our heart, we are going to be okay"


"We have to expand our capacity for love so we can honor the seasons of our sexual desire"


"The erotic is the heart of life itself and the sexual models the erotic"



About Luci:

Luci Lampe is a mom of 4, trauma-informed sex & relationship coach, award-winning singer and songwriter, commercial actress & print model, and 3X author. Her writing has been featured on the Huffington Post, Forbes, Entrepreneur.com, CBS, and Fox.


After overcoming an autoimmune disorder and embarking on a deep healing journey and spiritual awakening during her husband’s 2-year disability and depression, Luci returns with a bold message of Love, courage, and freedom.


Web:  https://lucilampe.com

IG: @lucilampe

@lucilampeofficial on Tiktok


PS. Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I  LOVE hugs! It would mean the world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗

Thank you so much for your love and support!!

Link to review is below:
