Do you desire to create a bigger impact and income in your business? 


Many of my clients and women who come to me are looking to create even more impact in their lives and also create more prosperity. 


What I notice that isn't working in their approach is that they are heavily focusing on one or the other of the dynamics. 


They are either putting all their focus on feminine energetics, manifesting, prayers, dancing, journaling, or visualizing. 


Or they are deep in the masculine focus on doing, achieving, and planning. 


And what I have realized in my own business is that what creates the quantum leaps and not just small steps is when we learn to embrace both. 


When you step into the feminine energetics:

Working on healing your past wounds 

Aligning with your soul 

Connecting to a power bigger than yourself 

Being one with your future self and nature 

Manifesting, prayers, visualizing 

Rewriting your limiting beliefs 


And then get clear with your masculine strategies:

Who am I and what kind of life do I desire to live?

What kind of business would support this?

Who do I desire to work with?

How can I be in front of those people?  

Who has that audience already?

How can I be seen as an expert and bring value?


Remember that we are always striving for balance, for harmony in our lives. 

So, when we are heavily in one or the other energy we are not aligned. 


Start blending these two energies, masculine and feminine and see how your business starts blooming and so will you. 


I am also teaching on how to create clarity of your vision and success from your soul on our online Soulful Success Experience so make sure to meet me there :)