On this episode, we talked about:

Having an abundant life
Having a morning practice
Body before business
Community builds immunity
Knowing your limiting belief
Flipping limiting beliefs into affirmations
Choosing to be happy no matter what
You deserve self-love and self-care


"Every emotion comes from fear or love, so the negative emotions come from fear and positive emotions come from love"


"When you are healthy, happy, in love and spiritually connected you're going to attract things with ease"


"In order to feel energetic, we have to fill our cup first, this means that you have to take time for yourself"


About Rebecca:

Rebecca Whitman is a Success Mentor, graduate with honors from Princeton University and author of international bestselling books, “Phenomenal Feminine Entrepreneurs,” “Business, Life, Universe” and “How to Make a Six Figure Income Working Part Time.” She was selected as Life Coach of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals. She hosts the top 5% globally ranked “Balanced, Beautiful, Abundant” podcast. Her philosophy divides life into 7 Pillars of Abundance which include: spiritual, physical, emotional, romantic, mental, social, and financial. She helps people achieve balance within these seven areas so they can experience more fun and freedom in life! In addition to her appearances as an expert on ABC, CBS and has spoken to Columbia University. She has spoken on multiple podcasts and has shared virtual stages with great thought leaders like Grant Cardone, Jack Canfield and Les Brown.


PS Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I  LOVE hugs! It would mean a world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗

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