On this episode, we talked about:

Being truly unapologetically you
Covering up how I feel about work
Deeper healing and understanding of my body
Doing what I'm passionate about
Nourishing from the inside out
Different types of supplements 
Allowing your body to release inflammation
Sustaining progesterone levels
Getting your power back
You get to feel at home in your body


"I had to seriously sit down with myself and ask this question: what is my body telling me, what is going on behind the scenes?"


"Now I have answers to my health and I can create a game plan to support myself"


"What's good for the soul, it's going to be good for the body"


About Sarah:

Hi, I’m Sarah, Founder of Hormone Goddess. 


At Hormone Goddess, we are shifting the paradigm of women’s health care. 


We are here to help you rediscover, interpret and decode your body’s own intelligence that guides your hormones, cycles & life.


 I know what it’s like to have painful/irregular periods, fatigue, bloating, digestive issues and anxiety run your life. And on top of that, being burnt the heck out from your corporate career or business. I covered up what I was feeling with doing, staying busy, always achieving, and never slowing down. Because I thought if I slowed down then I would have to feel it all. To do lists, overworking and high earning became my favorite ways to numb myself. 


And trying to be superwoman and super worker, I fried my adrenals, depleted my thyroid gland, lost my energy, became numb to everything, I questioned my purpose and lost who I was and my period was telling me loud and clear that something wasn’t balanced. Now, I feel alive, energized and aligned with my true purpose as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition and energy healing practitioner and I am here to help you do the same! 



Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) 
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner (CECP) 
Functional Medicine Practitioner (CFMP) 
National Board Certified Health Coach (NBC-HWC) 
Certified Integrative Health Coach, Trained at Duke IM 
Duke Health & Well-Being Coaching Training Program, Mentor & Instructor