In our twenty-fifth show we expand our horizons beyond amateur philosophy by also trying our hands at amateur history and amateur economics, to really drive home how little we know about the stuff we try to talk about.

Gasp you will as we wonder how the idea of money started, who drew the notes, and how that person got paid. We also invent unprofitable businesses, discuss what we did with our pocket money, as well as consider the value of things when we have to work to afford them. Continue reading →

Oxygen is in plentiful supply. There is enough to go around for everyone, and doesn’t seem to have a problem supporting even more, despite the distant threat it could all be taken away. Some people like to take up more oxygen than they really need, and one can find themselves wondering whether the hoarders are really contributing enough to make that stockpiling worthwhile. And while you’re welcome to decide for yourself whether Unanswered qualifies, why not consider comparing the analogy to money.

In our twenty-fifth show we expand our horizons beyond amateur philosophy by also trying our hands at amateur history and amateur economics, to really drive home how little we know about the stuff we try to talk about.

Gasp you will as we wonder how the idea of money started, who drew the notes, and how that person got paid. We also invent unprofitable businesses, discuss what we did with our pocket money, as well as consider the value of things when we have to work to afford them.

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Show Notes

YouTube: Money by Pink Floyd

According to Wikipedia: Money
YouTube: Limmy’s Show—Guys ↓

According to Wikipedia: Tin mine
According to Wikipedia: Gold standard
Parma Violets
According to Wikipedia: Parma Violets
According to Wikipedia: Prosciutto [Parma ham]
YouTube: Super Nintendo UK TV commercial ↓

YouTube: Super Metroid 1994 commercial—“game around £50” ↓


Recorded: 16 July 2014
Running time: 0:57’56
Bad language: Yes [1x f*ck; 3x sh*t; 1x w*nker]
Feature image source: page