Communication breakdown on several fronts lead to this episode of Unanswered. The show was intended to be a discussion on the differences between loneliness and solitude, and the upsides to be found in the latter. Somehow the conversation stuck around an aside about introverts and extroverts. Additionally, the traditional recording set-up on Nick’s side failed, causing us to rely on the less than stellar Skype feed resulting in the occasional appearance of Robonick. Continue reading →

Communication breakdown on several fronts lead to this episode of Unanswered. The show was intended to be a discussion on the differences between loneliness and solitude, and the upsides to be found in the latter. Somehow the conversation stuck around an aside about introverts and extroverts. Additionally, the traditional recording set-up on Nick’s side failed, causing us to rely on the less than stellar Skype feed resulting in the occasional appearance of Robonick.

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Show Notes

According to Wikipedia: Loneliness
According to Wikipedia: Solitude
Buzzfeed tag: introvert
Buzzfeed tag: extrovert
According to Wikipedia: Extraversion and introversion
MOMBcast—the podcast from
According to Wikipedia: Fear of missing out
According to Wikipedia: Myspace
Storify: James in London


Recorded: 04 June 2014
Running time: 0:58’11
Bad language: Yes [3x f*ck; 1x w*nk]
Feature image source: page