Previous Episode: Unanswered 25: Money

Steev and Nick discuss their experiences with the cinema and ask whether the magic of the place has been diminished by the way the industry has treated itself, or whether your hosts are just too jaded to take it on its own, rejigged terms. In a time where we can have a big enough screen at home, does the cinema still deserve to be the ultimate place to take in Hollywood’s finest?

There’s also way too much talk about popcorn and penises. Continue reading →

Lights, camera, action, print, distribute, queue, empty wallet, fill face, get anxious about noisy audience member, resist urge to check phone, watch film.

Steev and Nick discuss their experiences with the cinema and ask whether the magic of the place has been diminished by the way the industry has treated itself, or whether your hosts are just too jaded to take it on its own, rejigged terms. In a time where we can have a big enough screen at home, does the cinema still deserve to be the ultimate place to take in Hollywood’s finest?

There’s also way too much talk about popcorn and penises.

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Show Notes

According to Wikipedia: Movies
According to Wikipedia: Movie Theatre
According to Wikipedia: Vaudeville
According to Wikipedia: Norman Collier
YouTube: Norman Collier—The Faulty Microphone ↓

Duck Duck Go
According to Wikipedia: Supermarionation
YouTube: Filmed in Supermarionation—Official Trailer ↓

According to Wikipedia: Super Mario (series)
According to Wikipedia: L’Arrivée d’un train en gare de La Ciotat The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat (1896)
YouTube: L’arrivée d’un train à La Ciotat (1895)—frères Lumière ↓ Pete’s Dragon (1977)
YouTube: Pete’s Dragon trailer ↓ Time Bandits (1981)
YouTube: Time Bandits trailer ↓

According to Wikipedia: Buster Crabbe
According to Wikipedia: Mayflower Theatre
According to Wikipedia: Popcorn
Urban Dictionary: Popcorn trick
YouTube: Diner (1982)—popcorn ↓ Diner (1982)
According to Wikipedia: Projectionist
Unanswered 19: Home—Nick’s “Watership Down” story in full
Orange Wednesdays
Picture House cinemas Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
YouTube: Guardians of the Galaxy trailer ↓ Gravity (2013)
YouTube: Gravity trailer ↓

According to Wikipedia: Jalapeño
YouTube: Anti-piracy—Market (1996, UK) ↓

YouTube: Anti-piracy—The Last Cinema (2011, UK) ↓

YouTube: Piracy it’s a crime ↓

YouTube: The IT Crowd, s02 e03—Piracy warning ↓ Dredd (2012)
YouTube: Dredd trailer ↓

Further material

“The charts that show why Hollywood needs to forget about 3D movies” by Lauren Davidson, The Telegraph; Friday 5th September, 2014
YouTube: Dear Censor—BBFC documentary ↓ “Any guys have success with the popcorn trick?”


Recorded: 13 August 2014
Running time: 1:04’15
Bad language: Yes [2x f*ck; 2x sh*t; 4x c*ck; 2x d*ck; 1x w*nker]
Feature image source: [Diner is © Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and SLM Production Group] page