Today, I have Jonathan Nazario who is an 18-year-old self-published author who has written a self-help book called ‘The World in Which We Live’ .

Jonathon always had ideas but needed an outlet to share them. He tried various methods and they didn’t work, so went back to the good old reliable method – writing.

During that time he went on a journey, watching a lot of motivational content on YouTube, trying to find the best ones, and comparing the different metrics. That's what decided the genre of his book.

Throughout the interview, Jonathon challenges my thinking on every level. For his age, he is full of wisdom beyond his years. He is not your typical teenager!   He is very bright and a very deep thinker.  His thinking process is a breath of fresh air.

He brought up plenty of life lessons that I wish I thought about when I was younger!

We also talk about and what you will learn:

➤ His background

➤ His book


➤ Creating  new ideas

➤ How to navigate your teenage years

➤ Tips on studying and revising for exams

➤ Productivity and efficiency

➤ Business Ideas

➤ His forthcoming book

Plus much more…… lots of advice throughout.


His book ‘‘The World in Which We Live’

Contact Details:

Jonathon Nazario

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