Today, I have the pleasure to share a space with Trishan Haughton, Mother, Nurturer of Mom & Advanced Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga.

Join me as Trishan talks passionately about the benefits of yoga for teenagers.  Sharing helpful tools from Yoga and Ayurveda to help both teens and parents in navigating the teenage years towards self-love.

Trishan’s career journey is an interesting one.  She started her career in Psychology, then branched out and worked in Youth Development.   Wanting to dig deeper into Youth Development and empowerment, she packed up and went to India to advance her studies.  Her career took a turning point when her trip ended abruptly.

Dismissing Yoga in India, little did Trishan know that Yoga would be her next calling. Since her discovery, her life hasn’t been the same and has been transformed on many levels.

Trishan now brings Yoga to Jamaica in all different spheres.  Working with youth and women.

We talk about and what you will learn:

➤Trishan’s background

➤The benefits of yoga

➤How yoga can help through puberty

➤ Ayurveda and Puberty – Understanding the language of the body

➤Yogic tools – creating practices for different needs.

➤How children can embrace yoga

➤How parents can support their children's yoga practice for longevity

➤Her challenges to increase awareness

➤How you can wean your teens off sugar

Plus much more…… lots of advice throughout.

Resources mentioned:

Yo Re Mi (Yoga for children on Youtube)

Trishan’s details:

Instagram and FB @Trishanthefree

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