Today, I have the pleasure to have Ola Adesanoye, Founder of Study Skills Lab, on the show. Ola is an academic life coach for preteens and teens.

Ola is a mum of 3 and her background is in Pharmacy. She stopped working when her son was struggling academically and home-schooled him. She then trained to be a Parent Coach and then a Life Coach. Her experiences with her kid’s academic journey led her to this niche - working with pre-teens and teens.  She saw that other kids struggled also and wanted to help other families who felt overwhelmed with their children at school.

Despite the title, the main topic of discussion is ‘How to use the summer break effectively so you get back to school well-rested and also academically ready for the term, and what should the summer break look like for a child that is falling behind at school or a child that has had major exams like GCSE’s. We also touch upon other parental topics

We talk about and what you will learn:

➤Ola’s Career Journey

➤Breaking free from labels

➤Using your summer holiday effectively so that you are well rested and academically ready

➤Creating a summer plan for children who are falling behind at school

➤Parenting high achievers

➤How to motivate your child

➤Mental Wellness

➤Self Care

➤How to overcome procrastination

➤Ways to model a growth mindset

Plus much more…… lots of advice throughout.

Podcasts mentioned:

Study Skills

Exam Study Expert


Ola’s details

Instagram, FB, and LinkedIn


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