Rachel Frei Bandieri, Outdoor Explorer, Author and Mindset Mentor shares her story.

As a child, animals, especially dogs and horses were Rachel’s best friends. At the age of 13 she developed severe eating disorders, a mean to cope with an identity crisis - trying to fit in and be accepted.

Despite her struggles, her rebel temperament along with a vivid imagination and a certain pride got her through these hard times. Rachel excelled at school. She got a Master in Laws, and did a post-graduate in Criminology and became a Criminal Officer. Being in an enclosed structure and still fighting her demons, her Bulimia and eating disorder were getting worse. Yearning to be amongst nature, after 4 years, she hit rock bottom, and quit.

That’s when a new chapter opened up.  Rachel followed her passion and now does expeditions and coaching, and is free from her eating disorders.

We also dive into other areas of her life.

Rachel shares many powerful tips, insights and advice along the way.
