Veronika Winski, founder of The Dream Life Formula shares her story and insights into living a purposeful life.

Veronika was born in America but grew up in Poland. Despite living in a communist country, her childhood was not affected because of her birth status. She remembers having lots of fun and was able to leave the county and travel the world with her family, experiencing different cultures.

Her world flipped upside down at the age of 13 when her parents decided to move to America. Three months of arriving in the US and 3 days before her 14th birthday her dad passed away unexpectedly.  In that moment, Veronika had to grow up and think differently.

Missing Poland and her friends, Veronika’s teenage years were lonely and rebellious, finding it difficult to find her place at school.  Knowing about the ‘American Dream’ she focussed on academics and told herself that getting a corporate job was the only path to be happy and successful, despite the fact that her instincts told her otherwise.

After years of feeling unfulfilled in the corporate world, she woke up one day and realised she was on the wrong path and not aligned with her true calling. After 3 years of soul searching, experimenting with different opportunities and dealing with adversity, she found her true calling - to help women to re-invent themselves and align themselves by discovering their purpose driven calling.

Veronika’s speaks candidly and passionately about her journey, sharing lots of powerful advice and insights.

Enjoy listening.