What are the main differences between running desktop apps versus web apps? And which of the two comes with less hassle and problems down the line? Our guest today is Steve McLeod, the founder of Feature Upvote and acquirer of Saber Feedback. You’ll hear Steve’s opinion on switching from desktop to web-based apps, the various maintenance and support issues that may arise, the “boring” aspects of running complex software, and how to prevent the stress that often comes with SaaS.

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Show NotesFeature Upvote,Saber Feedback — Steve’s SaaS productsPatrick McKenzie — Steve’s inspirationWhy I sold my startup for £100,000 — the story of Saber Feedback acquisition by its original founder Matt BearmanBootstrapped.fm — Steve’s podcast for bootstrapped SaaS foundersEpisode 135: Multi-Product Portfolio Model for SaaS with JD GraffamUserlist — Jane’s SaaS productUlysses — a writing app by Max SeelemannEpisode 161: Managing Product Versions with Max SeelemannScreenFlow, Sublime, Balsamiq, iA Writer, Byword, 1Password — some of the apps Steve and Jane useFollow Steven on TwitterToday’s Sponsor

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