Today we invite you to listen to one of our latest episodes from Better Done Than Perfect, a new show for SaaS founders. Enjoy this interview with Christopher Gimmer, co-founder of Snappa, where we explore the fascinating topic of templates and onboarding videos. You’ll learn all about these powerful onboarding tools and how to use them effectively in your SaaS company. You’ll also hear Christopher’s take on repurposed content, conversions, the friction of confirmation emails, and much more.

Please head over to the episode page for the detailed recap and key takeaways.

Show notesSnappa — Christopher’s SaaS product together with Marc ChouinardProduct-Led Institute by Wes BushChecklist — a productivity appInspire, Not Instruct: How We Do User Onboarding at UserlistFollow Christopher on Twitter

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This show is brought to you by Userlist — the best tool for sending onboarding emails and segmenting your SaaS users. To follow the best practices, download our free printable email planning worksheets at

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