"That is what happens when you lose somebody really significant, it smashes your world apart"

Dr Lucy Hone is a co-director of the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience, a published academic researcher and best selling author.

Her Ted Talk on 'The three secrets of resilient people' has been watched by nearly 3 million people,

Lucy has experienced first hand what it is like to face what is the most heart-wrenching adversity. Tragically her 12-year-old daughter Abi was killed in an accident when a car ran through a red light and smashed into the car she was travelling in with Abi's friend Ella and her mother Sally.

Lucy Hone’s story is a powerful weaving of the science of resilience with the practical experience of facing the most challenging form of grief - the loss of a child. Something all of us as parents can only begin to imagine. 

Despite this very human tragedy, Lucy Hone continues to dedicate her career to groundbreaking work on resilience and to helping others to build their resilience muscles.

In our discussion, we talk about the 3 strategies that we can use to build resilience in our own lives

The work the Institute is doing in helping to build resilience in communities, the education of children and even in government policy.

And she Lucy shares her own very personal story and insights and advice to any of us facing adversity in our lives based on her own experience and research science. 

Lucy's published work includes; Resilient Grieving

Lucy can be contacted through the institute https://nziwr.co.nz 

or through LinkedIn

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Episode Credits

Editor and sound engineer: Tim White email: [email protected]

Host: Simon Ratcliffe


Broken Elegance -Unconditionally

River Meditation - Audioautix

Aerohead Fragments

When I'm gone LiQWYD

Scott Buckley - Monomyth five the exodus, Life is

Piano strings; AB5, Goldie strings

All additional music written by Tim White ©2020 all rights reserved.