Chronic illness affects 1 in 3 people around the world. It is a the hidden plague of modern life.

My guest on episode 26 of Turning the Tables, Dan Neuffer has known what it is like to be consumed by the pain and struggle with Chronic illness, to give up hope. But then ultimately to find recovery and new purpose helping others. One of those others I am happy to say was me.

Dan from the Gold Coast, Queensland Australia had suffered from C.F.S (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) for 7 years; he had almost given up hope of recovery. Frustrated and angry with the medical profession's inability to provide a coherent explanation or route to recovery, he took matters into his own hands.

Using his analytical engineering trained mind, he set about finding a coherent explanation for the condition and a route to recovery.

That journey ultimately led to his book, the A.N.S rewire programme (Autonomic Nervous System rewire) and his recovery.

Dan's story and his wisdom and knowledge, provides insight to anyone dealing with the physical or mental effects of adversity.

Dan Neuffer is author of CFS Unravelled. This book and the recovery programme he developed called A.N.S rewire has helped 1000's of people to overcome these debilitating chronic conditions.

 Dan's programme was an instrumental part of my recovery from CFS - in many ways, Dan Neuffer saved my life!

In our conversation, we talk about;

The route cause of CFS and many chronic conditions

The mindset shift that is the key to recovery

How Arnold Schwarzenegger taught Dan a vital lesson

What Dan has learned from the multiple recovery stories he has witnessed from people as young as 15 and as old as 90

In the words of Josh Shipp

"You either get bitter, or you get better. It's that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate; it belongs to you."

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Episode Credits

Editor and sound engineer: Tim White email: [email protected]

Host: Simon Ratcliffe


Broken Elegance -Unconditionally

River Meditation - Audioautix

Scott Buckley -  Life is