A viewpoint in business says hire slowly, fire quickly. The concept of that is take your time for strategic hires into your business. Take your time to figure out the right fit and the right thing fit into the culture. The fine line between the power of working alone and the time to hire, you may be facing this challenge right now with your own business as your schedule gets fuller and fuller and the time tighter. You may be thinking how you’re limiting your business’ growth by your management of it. The questions is not really should you hire or should you not hire; it’s when it’s time to hire. It’s time to bring someone on to help and produce. However, just because you hire someone doesn’t guarantee that your life will be easier. In fact, sometimes it can get much harder, especially in the short term as they onboard and learn how to work with you. Rob discusses his long history of hiring, firing and all the things in-between.

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