I had a blast doing Samantha Skelly’s show Hungry for Happiness. It was one of those interviews where we started ending each other’s sentences. We’ll be talking about the vicious cycle of self-care and love in today’s world. Sam writes, “The idea that happiness, wholeness, and joy is conditional upon getting ‘there’ goes against the very truth of the matter. It keeps us stuck in a constant rat race, always hustling for our worth and hoping that every milestone we achieve will bring us closer to the elusive happiness, wholeness, and joy. We are constantly distancing ourselves from our truth. We are in constant denial of the light, love, and power that is innately within each of us. We throw thousands of dollars and hours of our time at every self-help method or tool under the sun, hoping they will help us get ‘there.’ We have a destination addiction, and when we fail to get ‘there,’ we shame ourselves before throwing away even more money. Like the weight loss industry, the personal development industry markets to our insecurities and perpetuates our own self-perceived inadequacies so that we will continue to consume their products. It’s time for people to realize that they are already whole, enough, and ‘there.’ They need to know that their flaws are catalysts to deeper self-discovery and transformation. We are not problems that need to be fixed. We are already perfect and already ‘there.’ And here is perfect.”

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