More about our guest, 

Justin Ervin:  Justin is Co-Founder and Executive Director of Habitual Roots and its lead contact in Charlotte, N.C. Habitual Roots is a nonprofit community based out of Charlotte, NC, promoting positive habits of self-care through means of mindfulness and emotional intelligence. Justin has spent 5+ years managing projects within the financial, nuclear, and service industries. Justin now pursues his lifelong passion of empowering others to transform their lives one day at a time.  

RESILIENCE Perhaps a word that gets thrown around a lot. But as with most clichés, it doesn't mean it's not valuable to dig into. So what does this mean for you? And is it important?  

Perhaps think of life as a never-ending path to walk, in which there are very many potholes to navigate. Some potholes are wide, some are deep (monumentally), and some are wide and deep... with varying frequency and structure.  

Your job is to be aware and KNOW this is the case. And importantly, to KNOW that it's not about avoiding the potholes but continuing with the journey. Sometimes the path is JUST potholes for a while.  

Resiliency is creating an emotional trampoline in which you are skilled in deploying, just at the right moment, bouncing your way out of the potholes. With each activation, your resiliency is made bigger and stronger to take on the next set of potholes. Sometimes your systems won't be big enough or strong enough... but that's the point. That's the reminder: build your resiliency.  

#truthseekers​ welcome Justin Ervin this week. Follow his honest and vivid examples and analogies as we dive into the potholes together!


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