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I am writing a book. It’s been 2 years in the making and I’m coming close to the publishing end. It seems so surreal at times.

In this episode, I want to share with you what I’ve learned along this journey. This is part 2 because in part 1 I share with you why I started writing the book and how I got started. So if you want to hear the back story, listen to that episode first. 

Writing a Book Part 1

Throughout the entire process I have asked for help. God told me to tap into my resources, to reach out to people who have done this before. This has helped a TON! I am so thankful to Paul Sohn who was the first person I reached out to when God gave me this assignment. He wrote the book “Quarter-Life Calling” which I highly recommend you read! Get the book here!

If there's one thing you get from this it's COMMUNITY! Use your resources and tap into other people's gifts.

Join my book launch team!

Follow me on instagram @nikkiromani to get updates on the book, this podcast, and my crazy life : )