When I tell people I am writing a book, I'm asked two questions: What is your book called? What is your book about?

In this episode, I answer these questions. I share the story behind writing the book in the first place. It was never a goal or dream of mine to write a book. Never saw never. God gave me this opportunity and I refused at first. He was gracious enough to give me second and third chances but after 2 months of refusing, he gave me an ultimatum that I couldn't refuse anymore.   A brief overview of the book: I share my religious background and beliefs growing up I share my radical transformation with the Holy Spirit The person in my life who has influenced me even with her being gone My personal experiences with seeing angels, encountering demons, visions, dreams, hearing God's voice, spiritual gifts What the Bible says about the Holy Spirit I may be biased, but there are a lot of great stories in this book! You must read it. And I had Ha