“Getting great at one thing opens doors for everything else.” Kyle Wilson is an amazing example of this for sure!! I met him on Clubhouse a few months ago and was so moved by him and his wisdom that I invited him to speak to my Unstoppable Life Mastermind group and now so honored to introduce him to you. I have been so impressed with his book publishing skills, his amazing network, his professionalism, his resilience, and his kindness.
But what I am most excited about!!!!! Well.....we co-authored a book that JUST hit bookshelves yesterday called Persistence, Pivots and Game Changers, Turning Challenges Into Opportunities. I am honored to be a part of this book, along with others such as Phil Collen, Glenn Morshower, Kevin Eastman, and Marques Ogden with a forward by Brian Tracy. I would love if you helped this book fly off bookshelves because 100% of book profits go to the charity Win This Fight, which fights to end human trafficking. Plus, this book will positively impact YOUR own personal development and growth.
And if that isn't enough to make you grab the book, then we have included $500.00 of amazing gifts during the launch week. So after you grab the book, please send an email to [email protected] with your Amazon order number, book quantity, and your comments and testimonials so we can send you $500.00 worth of gifts as a special thank you and also fight the war against human trafficking.
Okay, okay, I am excited about this new book but let me tell you why I am excited to share Kyle with you!! He is the founder of Jim Rohn International, YourSuccessStore.com, LessonsFromNetwork.com and KyleWilson.com He’s worked with the top names in the personal development industry including his 18 year biz partner, friend and mentor Jim Rohn, as well as Og Mandino, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Darren Hardy, Robin Sharma and many others. Kyle is the author of "52 Lessons I Learned from Jim Rohn and Other Great Legends I Promoted!" AND partnered with Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield on "Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneur’s Soul."
In this episode, Kyle and I talk about the process of writing collaboration books, how he got into self-development early on, and what kind of success habits it takes to become a super achiever. And let me tell you, Kyle is definitely a self development super achiever!!
Here’s what you will learn:

How to get started in the personal development space (1:31)

The power of mentors along the way (9:27)

How trust and motivation builds leaders in a company (19:42)

How to get started in writing or collaborating on a book (25:39)

The benefits of self publishing your book (34:19)

What masterminds are and how they work (42:31)

Screenshot your favorite part and post to your IG story and tag me @amberlylagomotivation and @kylewilsonjimrohn so we can see and repost to our stories!
Still reading but didn't grab the book? No worries! I got you! Here is the link to grab it on Amazon.
Everyone involved has put a lot of work, energy, and passion into making sure this book and the lessons inside it will make a positive difference and ripple in the world! We are honored that you are taking the time to read and help start that ripple!!!
Join me along with other world-class mentors in North Carolina, in person or virtually, and get UNSTOPPABLE MOMENTUM in a high-octane experience!! I will be sharing how to harness the power within you along with Tom Bilyeu, Lisa Bilyeu, Anthony Trucks, Mel Abraham and so many more!!! Grab your ticket now!
Follow Kyle:





Mentioned in this episode:

Jim Rohn

Brian Tracy

Les Brown

Success Habits of Super Achievers

“Getting great at one thing opens doors for everything else.” Kyle Wilson is an amazing example of this for sure!! I met him on Clubhouse a few months ago and was so moved by him and his wisdom that I invited him to speak to my Unstoppable Life Mastermind group and now so honored to introduce him to you. I have been so impressed with his book publishing skills, his amazing network, his professionalism, his resilience, and his kindness.

But what I am most excited about!!!!! Well.....we co-authored a book that JUST hit bookshelves yesterday called Persistence, Pivots and Game Changers, Turning Challenges Into Opportunities. I am honored to be a part of this book, along with others such as Phil Collen, Glenn Morshower, Kevin Eastman, and Marques Ogden with a forward by Brian Tracy. I would love if you helped this book fly off bookshelves because 100% of book profits go to the charity Win This Fight, which fights to end human trafficking. Plus, this book will positively impact YOUR own personal development and growth.

And if that isn't enough to make you grab the book, then we have included $500.00 of amazing gifts during the launch week. So after you grab the book, please send an email to [email protected] with your Amazon order number, book quantity, and your comments and testimonials so we can send you $500.00 worth of gifts as a special thank you and also fight the war against human trafficking.

Okay, okay, I am excited about this new book but let me tell you why I am excited to share Kyle with you!! He is the founder of Jim Rohn International, YourSuccessStore.com, LessonsFromNetwork.com and KyleWilson.com He’s worked with the top names in the personal development industry including his 18 year biz partner, friend and mentor Jim Rohn, as well as Og Mandino, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Darren Hardy, Robin Sharma and many others. Kyle is the author of "52 Lessons I Learned from Jim Rohn and Other Great Legends I Promoted!" AND partnered with Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield on "Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneur’s Soul."

In this episode, Kyle and I talk about the process of writing collaboration books, how he got into self-development early on, and what kind of success habits it takes to become a super achiever. And let me tell you, Kyle is definitely a self development super achiever!!


Here’s what you will learn:

How to get started in the personal development space (1:31)
The power of mentors along the way (9:27)
How trust and motivation builds leaders in a company (19:42)
How to get started in writing or collaborating on a book (25:39)
The benefits of self publishing your book (34:19)
What masterminds are and how they work (42:31)

Screenshot your favorite part and post to your IG story and tag me @amberlylagomotivation and @kylewilsonjimrohn so we can see and repost to our stories!

Still reading but didn't grab the book? No worries! I got you! Here is the link to grab it on Amazon.

Everyone involved has put a lot of work, energy, and passion into making sure this book and the lessons inside it will make a positive difference and ripple in the world! We are honored that you are taking the time to read and help start that ripple!!!

Join me along with other world-class mentors in North Carolina, in person or virtually, and get UNSTOPPABLE MOMENTUM in a high-octane experience!! I will be sharing how to harness the power within you along with Tom Bilyeu, Lisa Bilyeu, Anthony Trucks, Mel Abraham and so many more!!! Grab your ticket now!


Follow Kyle:



Mentioned in this episode:

Jim Rohn
Brian Tracy
Les Brown
Success Habits of Super Achievers

Twitter Mentions