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I have a dream and that dream is to set up and run my own gym. How it came about was really funny. And he's kinda. It took a long time

, I've always been fit, extremely fit. And as I spoke about in episode one, introducing Steve, I told you how I went from fit to totally unfit after having a heart attack, being diagnosed with diabetes and a few other conditions.

when I tried getting back in the gym. I noticed that. There was a problem. the health and fitness industry is not balanced correctly. The people that actually need to get fit cannot afford to get fit. The people that don't need to get fit can afford it, and they actually waste a lot of money.

I know someone who, who spends, 80 pound a month on gym membership. And they've never been in over a year. And asked them. Why? I said, well, why don't you cancel it? And they just said, ah, I will go soon. And that is ridiculous. So my thing is I want to buy a house, convert the house into a gym.

And do one to one sessions with people. So that way, because it's in a house rather than in a gym setting, a lot of people object to actually going into a gym, more people would be more likely to go into a house train one-on-one, because then there's none of that. Feeling inferior to other people or getting that kind of like, negative type feel or anything or thinking people are watching you. So that would eliminate that

To actually make it work because I'm training people for free and of course the house is going to cost money, the fittings, electricity, the machines, everything is on a cost. So to offset it. What I would do is when the gym is not in use for one to one.

Rent it out to personal trainers, which is what a normal gym does. So that would bring an income coming into the gym itself. if the model actually works, because I'm not interested in the money, I'm interested in the helping, that's where I get my kick from my buzz from.

So if the model does work. Then what I want to do eventually is apply for a charitable status and then rinse and repeat the same formula in a different location. So then just have a chain of them, which are helping people who basically need that help, who cannot afford that gym.

Now, if you look at the situation we're in now, obesity is one of the fastest rise in problems that we have, not just in England, but in other countries as well.

And he's not gonna get any better. It's going to get worse or be city leads to a load of other problems. So it leads to cardiac problems. It leads to diabetes. It leads to high blood pressure. It leads to arthritis, it's leads to back pain. It leads to so many different things. So if we can actually find a way to help people and to reduce obesity, then basically it takes the strain off the NHS

So this is my dream now. I started a crowdfund, which I'm hopefully trying to get off the ground properly. Then my crowdfund link is in my about section on my website, which is in the description below. I also tried to run my own business, which I'm not making millions, especially with this corvid thing that has happened.

So the links to my business is in the description below. I'm not into money. Money is just a tool to make things happen. So all I want to do is to get this off the ground, get it working. Let's see if I can make a difference to people's lives anyway.

True. dat.