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I tried my best to try and refrain from actually doing a podcast for a few days to kind of let my, astonished feeling kind of died down.

Right now I'm not going to call any names. So I'm going to stay away from using names, but evidently there was someone who's classified as the leader of the free world.

Now, I didn't realize that the world was in bondage and needed to be free or had a leader who led them. I thought each country had its own sovereignty.

Anyway, there's a leader of the free world now. I've heard some stupid things in my time. And I really have tried to bite my tongue and not say anything about this, but what was suggested was that you inject disinfectant, all bleach or any kind of caustic kind of material into your body to stop you getting Corona virus or to destroy Corona virus.

There was also a suggestion of. Using ultraviolet light in the body, which in itself is kind of like difficult anyway. getting back to the point because I'm not calling any names and I'm not saying nothing. And the reason why I've got to do this podcast is because I listened to not what was said, but the argument on different, forums. Of the people arguing both sides of it.

Now you've got the supporters of the said leader of the free world who actually tried to justify what was said, and it was so ridiculous. And then you've got people on the other side who actually. Put the facts out there and said, well, this was the facts. It was recorded.

You could see it, you could hear it. And the people who were supporters actually denied that it was said or said. It's tried to say it was said in ingest. Now, just just to take that to one side by itself.

We are in a very serious time. This is a world changing event, Corona, virus. if say for example the virus mutated. Then basically that could be an event where it's life ending. The whole of mankind could die because basically if that virus mutated, then there'd be chasing their tail , trying to come up with an antidote to something that just keeps on changing the fact that this is a life changing world changing event.

I can't imagine anyone. Who would say something and then say, Oh, I was being sarcastic. How was it sarcastic? There were so many people that have died. There were so many families that have lost people. Why would you make light of a situation like that? That's ridiculous. And the people who are justifying what was said, can you not read or write or is there a problem? Is your brain cells not working? Don't they fire properly or they fire in a different order? At the end of the day, we're in a situation now where mankind basically is fighting an organism fighting for its survival. Yeah. So like I said, if that organism mutated, then it's going to be worse.

At the moment. they can't even trace how people are actually getting infected. So until you know, all of these things, how people are getting infected, why it's affecting some people worse than other people after having the virus, are you immune to the virus? All these questions and not even being answered. And for somebody to come out with something as ridiculous as that.

When you are supposed to be someone that millions of people are looking up to. If not billions, then you should. You shouldn't be where you are now. I can imagine, and I really hope this doesn't happen, that there are people out there who will inject themselves with this crap because their brains just, you've got people that were tin fall on their head because they think it's going to stop the ultraviolet rays or the rays causing me graze from embodying their brain.

So if you've got people like that, you're going to have people that will just take that spoken word. Inject and they will then go out and inject and die a horrible, painful death. Now, I don't care whether you retract it or not, I don't care whether you said it was a joke or not, but it should never. ever has been said.

Now there's going to be people out there who don't agree with me. Don't care. There's going to be people out there who say, he didn't say that he meant it this way. Well, here's the fact. It was recorded. You heard exactly what he said. There was no choke. There was no, I meant to say it this way, was said a specific way.

What you need to do now is stop the man from talking. That's what you need to do.

True. dat