Today we have another interview we did for the Triathlon World Summit with Mark Cote, the head aerodynamicist at Specialized Bicycles. We go through the hard data on the massive time savings you can make from some simple changes. We also talk what's really important first and foremost and then give you the keys so to speak with what you can do to slash massive amounts of time off of your bike splits without more training.

In today’s episode, we discuss:

How you can get massive time savings by doing some simple things
The new frontier of aerodynamic gains
How to set your bike up so it’s clean and doesn’t slow you down
The low down on wheels and how to choose right for conditions
The 2 first things you need to tick before you think aero and this coming from an aerodynamic geek.
Tubulars or Clinchers? 
And so much more. 

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Today we have another interview we did for the Triathlon World Summit with Mark Cote, the head aerodynamicist at Specialized Bicycles. We go through the hard data on the massive time savings you can make from some simple changes. We also talk what's really important first and foremost and then give you the keys so to speak with what you can do to slash massive amounts of time off of your bike splits without more training.

In today’s episode, we discuss:

How you can get massive time savings by doing some simple things
The new frontier of aerodynamic gains
How to set your bike up so it’s clean and doesn’t slow you down
The low down on wheels and how to choose right for conditions
The 2 first things you need to tick before you think aero and this coming from an aerodynamic geek.
Tubulars or Clinchers? 
And so much more. 

Show Links

Specialized Bicycles